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Riot hints at upcoming League champions, including unnamed support enchanter, jungler, and bottom laner

League of Legends Teases New Champions: Support, Jungler, and Bottom Laner

Riot Games, the team behind League of Legends, is known for dropping hints about their upcoming champions. In a recent developer vlog, lead champion producer Ryan “Reav3” Mireles gave some clues about the next set of champions, including a support, jungler, and bottom laner.

The vlog started with a gameplay trailer for Zeri, followed by Reav3 discussing the current cast of enchanters in the game. He mentioned that they are all generally “light-hearted, colorful, and good aligned.” To bring some diversity, the team wanted to create a darker and more sinister support champion. Reav3 hinted that support players will be thrilled with this new addition.

“We also wanted to make a champion whose theme and kit make support players feel like the boss they are,” said Reav3. “Despite damage carries getting all the credit, you are the one behind the scenes, keeping them alive with your buffs and constantly saving them from certain death.”

During the vlog, Reav3 seemed to be taken over by the Void, mumbling about “the Lavender Sea” and mentioning his empress ruling over Runeterra. He also briefly mentioned the city of Belvast falling, before regaining his senses and continuing the video. In line with this Void-like outburst, Reav3 revealed that a terrifying new jungler will be swarming Summoner’s Rift later this year.

Another champion set to release this year was teased with a mysterious image. Reav3 mentioned that they would be introducing a non-traditional bottom laner, hinting at the character’s unique attack style or abilities.

League of Legends fans can look forward to an exciting year with these upcoming surprises. In the meantime, hop onto Summoner’s Rift and start your ranked climb.