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Riot Games Reveals Tweaks to Master Yi and Rageblade for the League PBE

Riot Games Announces Changes to Master Yi in Upcoming Patch

In a recent announcement, David “Repertoir” Capurro, the lead designer for Riot Games, revealed some upcoming changes to the champion Master Yi. These changes aim to balance the champion and address some of his current strengths and weaknesses.

Q Ability Changes

One of the major changes is the removal of the 0.1 second cast time on Master Yi’s Q ability, Alpha Strike. Instead, a new mechanic will be introduced, allowing Master Yi to strike the same target for 25 percent of the damage if he strikes less than the maximum amount of times and there are no other eligible targets.

Meditate and E Ability Adjustments

The cast time on Master Yi’s Meditate ability has also been eliminated, making it a more efficient skill. Additionally, the 10 percent attack damage that his E ability granted when not on cooldown has been removed.

Ultimate Ability Changes

The ultimate ability, Highlander, will receive some changes as well. The movement speed gained from Highlander will no longer have a multiplicative increase. Instead, Master Yi will gain a fixed percentage of 40/50/60 percent movement speed. The duration of the ultimate will be increased by two seconds, while the duration extension has been lowered by two seconds.

Adjustments to Guinsoo’s Rageblade

In addition to the changes to Master Yi, there will also be adjustments to Guinsoo’s Rageblade. The item will now apply its Phantom Hit every three attacks instead of two. Furthermore, the armor penetration and magic penetration stats have been set at a flat 15 percent, instead of 6 percent plus 0.5 percent per level.

Master Yi, Riot Games, champion changes, Q ability, Alpha Strike, Meditate, E ability, Highlander, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, balance adjustments.