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Riot Games’ official logo has apparently undergone a change

Riot Games Unveils New Logo for 2019

League of Legends fans are familiar with the iconic hand that appears in Riot Games’ videos. However, for the year 2019, Riot Games is revamping its branding with a fresh logo on its official website.

Riot Games’ Twitter account, as well as its support and career accounts, have already updated their profile pictures to reflect the new logo. The change was noticed by fans, and Riot recruiter Mel “Swimbananas” Capperino-Garcia even tweeted a picture of the brand-new logo.

Riot Games New Logo

The new logo features simplified design elements. The fist is less intricate and the text has been transformed with a minimalist, blocky font. Notably, the fist is not integrated into the wordmark.

Opinions within the community have been divided regarding the logo change. On the League of Legends subreddit, some prefer the old logo. However, others recognize that Riot’s decision to modernize the logo aligns with the minimalist and readable design trends seen in many logos today.

Trivia fact: The old logo has remained unchanged since the establishment of Riot Games in 2006.

As of now, Riot Games has not released an official statement regarding the logo change.

Related keywords: Riot Games, League of Legends, logo change, branding, new logo