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Riot Games is introducing a micropatch to tone down the on-hit Neeko build

Riot Games Nerfs Neeko’s Attack Speed and On-Hit Capabilities in Micropatch

Riot Games is making sure that Neeko isn’t played as an ADC anymore. The Curious Chameleon is getting a micropatch that will significantly reduce her attack speed and on-hit damage.

Andrei “Meddler” Van Roon has announced that Neeko’s base attack damage and attack speed will be lowered. Her attack speed is dropping from 3.5 percent per level to 1.5 percent, while her attack damage is changing from three percent per level to two percent. Additionally, the on-hit damage of her W ability is being decreased from 50-170 to 50-130.

With these nerfs, the on-hit Neeko builds that were dominating solo queue will no longer be viable. These unique item paths made Neeko a popular choice in Patch 9.5 as players discovered her potential.

Before the rise of on-hit builds, Neeko had a negligible playrate of 0.14 percent in Patch 9.4. However, in Patch 9.5, her playrate skyrocketed to an impressive 3.05 percent. She also had the highest winrate of any ADC champion at the time, standing at a strong 54.56 percent. Her winrate was close to reaching a 60 percent win percentage before the micropatch.

Riot’s decision to nerf Neeko and eliminate the on-hit build has sparked mixed reactions within the League of Legends community. Some believe that the nerfs were warranted due to her overwhelming strength, while others think that Riot should have attempted to balance the build instead of completely killing it. Regardless, on-hit Neeko will no longer be a common sight on the Summoner’s Rift.

Related keywords: Neeko, Riot Games, micropatch, attack speed, on-hit capabilities, ADC, Curious Chameleon, League of Legends, solo queue, playrate, winrate, Summoner’s Rift.