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Riot Games Introduces New Bounty System in League of Legends Patch 9.6

League of Legends Bounty System Undergoes Change

The bounty system in League of Legends has often left players confused. Understanding the mechanics of the system, especially with CS bounties, has proven to be difficult for many in the community.

Luckily, Riot Games has announced changes to the bounty system that seem to be a step in the right direction. Joshua “Jatt” Leesman, in a recent developer’s blog post, detailed these changes.

In the upcoming Patch 9.6, there will be a 25% reduction in creep score bounties. Instead of gaining 50 bounty per 150 gold, players will now receive 50 bounty per 200 gold. Additionally, losing an advantage will result in the loss of a creep score bounty, an important adjustment to the system. Furthermore, support items will now contribute to bounties as well.

Jatt explained the purpose of the bounty system and expressed the importance of having it in the game. He stated, “We knew the ability for a team to snowball was increasing, so we wanted to strengthen the ability for a team to come back from behind too.” The addition of CS bounties countered snowballing because it allowed players to gain gold leads through farming without triggering anti-snowball mechanics.

With these upcoming changes, we hope that the bounty system will become more accurate. There have been instances where bounties were applied to targets that didn’t deserve them, even in professional leagues. Let’s hope that in Patch 9.6, the bounty system becomes clearer for the majority of players on Summoner’s Rift.

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League of Legends, bounty system, Riot Games, Patch 9.6, creep score bounties, CS bounties, snowballing