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Riot Games, developer of League of Legends, faces lawsuit over allegations of gender discrimination

Riot Games Faces Lawsuit Over Gender Discrimination

Riot Games, the developer of the popular game League of Legends, is currently facing a lawsuit filed by both a current and former employee. The allegations stem from a Kotaku investigation that exposed the company’s “men-first” culture.

The lawsuit, filed by Melanie McCracken and Jessica Negron, alleges that women at Riot Games are subjected to unequal pay and have their career growth hindered because of their gender. It also states that ongoing sexual harassment and bias create a hostile work environment for female employees.

The women claim that Riot Games is attempting to sweep these allegations under the rug by conducting empty investigations and counseling sessions, protecting the wrongdoers from any consequences. They are seeking monetary damages and aiming to bring about social change within the company.

The lawsuit provides numerous examples of how Riot Games’ “bro culture” devalues women, drawing from both personal experiences and the initial report by Kotaku.

In August, Kotaku published an extensive investigation into sexism at Riot Games. They interviewed 28 current and former employees who revealed instances of sexual harassment and misogyny within the company. In response, Riot Games issued a statement acknowledging their mistakes and promising to take steps to improve the company culture.

However, the lawsuit claims that Riot Games’ actions thus far have been insufficient. While some high-profile employees implicated in the Kotaku report remain with the company, others accused of facilitating a toxic culture have been removed.

In September, two former Riot employees were fired after speaking out about a gender-inclusive panel held by the company. This sparked controversy among some League fans, who accused Riot Games of gender discrimination for creating a space for women and non-binary individuals in the industry.

Riot Games has issued a statement to Kotaku regarding the lawsuit, stating that they take all allegations seriously and thoroughly investigate them. They remain committed to evolving their culture to create an inclusive and thriving environment for all employees.

Riot Games, lawsuit, gender discrimination, Kotaku investigation, women’s rights, workplace equality, cultural transformation.