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Riot Games Brazil Releases and Quickly Deletes Image of the New Nunu

The New Nunu Redesign Revealed

The League of Legends champion design team recently teased a brand-new, large-scale Nunu redesign. While the official League website in Brazil unintentionally leaked an image of the Nunu and Willump makeover, it was quickly removed from the site. Fortunately, screenshots of the new design were saved and shared on the game’s Reddit community. You can check out the new Nunu here.

A Mistaken Leak or Intentional Spoiler?

Though the leak may seem scandalous, it’s likely just a mistake. Official reveals for champion updates are typically made a day or two before they are available on the PBE (Public Beta Environment). With Patch 8.17 soon to arrive on the PBE, it’s reasonable to assume that the leak was accidental. So, it’s safe to say that Nunu’s redesign is just around the corner.

A Fresh Look for Nunu and Willump

The new Nunu redesign is quite striking. Unlike the previous version, Nunu now appears as a human child rather than a strange creature. Additionally, Willump the yeti has undergone a drastic transformation, becoming a four-armed mythical beast with antlers. Fans of League of Legends are sure to be excited about these changes.

Get Ready for Nunu’s Arrival

Prepare yourself for the new and improved Nunu, as the champion’s redesign is on its way. So, put on your snow shoes and get ready to welcome Nunu and Willump’s exciting new look to the world of League of Legends.

Nunu redesign, League of Legends, leaked image, champion update, Nunu and Willump transformation.