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Riot Focuses on Durability and Lane States in LoL for Upcoming Balance Changes

Riot Games Addresses Player Concerns and Plans for the Future of League of Legends

The 2023 season of League of Legends has been an interesting journey for both experienced players and newcomers. Riot Games aims to address some of the frustrating aspects of the game and share their future plans.

In a recent developer blog, Riot Phroxzon, a game designer for League of Legends, acknowledged that the state of champion durability and certain roles in the game are not entirely satisfactory. While these areas are being prioritized for improvement, the nature of a frequently updated game makes it challenging to find concrete solutions in a short period of time.

Phroxzon stated, “Since League constantly receives updates, nothing is ever permanent. Alongside balancing the game, we also consider the champion fantasy.”

Improving Durability and Addressing Role Imbalances

One major concern among League of Legends fans is the champion durability since the “durability patch” was implemented last year. The recent midseason item changes have contributed to champions dealing and taking more damage. Patch 13.15 attempted to restore durability through changes to champions who relied on Immortal Shieldbow as their Mythic item. The dev team plans to focus on improving durability for champions with lower defenses in upcoming patches.

Another area that requires attention is the health of certain roles, specifically top and ADC. While top laners have become more impactful, even minor changes to their stats or abilities can render them non-viable. The team aims to reduce the disadvantage top laners face when trying to assist other lanes, allowing them to move away from the isolated “top lane island” label.

Concerning the bot lane, junglers have overshadowed the power of ADCs. The team is considering reducing the power of ADCs to prevent them from overly influencing the early stages of the game. However, they are cautious about maintaining the players’ satisfaction and agency in the role.

Role Balance Challenges and Future Updates

Changing one role often impacts others, which remains a continual battle in a regularly updated game. The team plans to assess role performance in higher Elos, particularly in terms of snowball potential, but they are uncertain about the overall implications. These issues will be addressed in upcoming balance changes.

League Patch 13.17, releasing on August 30th, will attempt to tackle some of the mentioned concerns. However, players can expect ongoing balance changes throughout the year and beyond to ensure a better gaming experience.

Related keywords: League of Legends, Riot Games, champion durability, role imbalances, balance changes, top lane, ADC, champion fantasy