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Riot Explored 4 Different Champion Concepts for Sett during Development

Sett, the Newest Champion Heading to League of Legends

The latest addition to the League of Legends roster is Sett, a Vastayan crime lord with a tough background. Riot Games revealed that Sett’s appearance could have been very different if one of three other concepts had been chosen.

In a recent champion insight post, Cashmiir from Riot explained that during Sett’s development, four different styles were considered for the new juggernaut. Gem “Lonewingy” Lim, the concept art lead, drew up these four styles.

“The last time we made a traditional juggernaut for top lane was Darius,” said Glenn “Twin Enso” Anderson, an associate game designer. “We discussed what we wanted for our next juggernaut and decided on an easy-to-learn kit with a character that would appeal to a wide range of players. That’s how we started.”

The four concepts for Sett included a four-armed Targonian Aspect of Might, a robot butler from Piltover, a Darkin behemoth, and the Vastayan gangster boss (which eventually became the chosen concept).

Riot also adjusted Sett’s kit to focus more on punches rather than grappling. This change was made because grappling moves created gameplay clarity issues and required extensive animation work.

“When Riot Axes handed over the champion’s design to me, he emphasized Sett’s unique abilities,” Twin Enso explained. “Sett has a distinctive 1-2, 1-2 auto attack rhythm, and he forces players to rethink their positioning during teamfights.”

Sett is a muscular and serious boss who can fight his way out of any situation, making him a perfect choice for dominating teamfights on Summoner’s Rift. Prepare for the arrival of this formidable champion.