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Riot Examines League’s Champion Design Philosophy and Assesses Complexity of 2020 Champs

League of Legends Champion Complexity Explained by Lead Gameplay Designer

League of Legends lead gameplay designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter recently shared insights into champion complexity in a new dev blog post. The goal is to cater to a wide range of players and their preferences on the Rift. This means offering champions with different levels of complexity to appeal to diverse player bases.

Understanding Champion Complexity

Champions in League of Legends are evaluated based on three criteria: mechanical complexity, knowledge complexity, and the complexity of playing against or with the champion.

Mechanical complexity refers to the difficulty of using a champion’s abilities. Some champions, like Warwick, have straightforward spells, while others like Azir require precise execution and more skill.

Knowledge complexity involves the skills and knowledge acquired while playing a specific champion. Some champions allow players to transfer their skills to other champions more easily, while others require a different learning curve. For example, transitioning from Lux to Sona is easier than transitioning from Lux to Aphelios.

The third evaluation considers the complexity of playing against or with a specific champion. Some champions, like Ahri, are relatively straightforward to face, as you just need to dodge their skill shots. On the other hand, champions like Proxy Singed require players to think about the game differently on a strategic level, making them more complex to play against.

2020 Champion Complexity Ratings

Scruffy also provided ratings for champions released or reworked in 2020. Volibear’s rework, for instance, falls into the low-complexity range for mechanical and knowledge categories, and a medium complexity range for playing with or against the champion. This aligns with Volibear being a champion that many players can easily pick up and be effective with.

On the other hand, Yone requires high mechanical prowess due to his complex ability kit. However, the knowledge acquired from playing Yone does not transfer well to other champions, placing him in the medium complexity range for knowledge.

In conclusion, champion complexity plays a crucial role in League of Legends to accommodate various player preferences and skill levels. The game aims to provide a diverse range of champions to ensure that all players feel comfortable and engaged on the Rift.

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League of Legends, champion complexity, gameplay, players, skill levels, mechanical complexity, knowledge complexity, playing against, playing with, Volibear, Yone.