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Riot enhances Dr. Mundo’s late game durability with another update

Riot Games Addressing Balance Issues for Dr. Mundo in League of Legends

Riot Games is making changes to address the balance issues faced by Dr. Mundo in League of Legends. Known for being “completely unkillable,” the Madman of Zaun has been struggling due to the current damage-focused meta in season 12.

In ranked play, Dr. Mundo’s win rates vary significantly across different skill levels. At high-level games, he is having a hard time competing against opponents. However, in lower tiers like Bronze and Silver, he boasts an impressive 54 percent win rate.

To rectify this inconsistency, Riot is stepping in to make adjustments. Glenn “Twin Enso” Anderson, an associate champion designer, has confirmed that Dr. Mundo will receive changes in a future season 12 update.

The main concerns, as explained by Anderson, are Dr. Mundo’s wide range of win rates and his impact on low-Elo matches. Additionally, the development team wants to restore Dr. Mundo’s “unkillable” essence to align with his fantasy in the late game.

In an upcoming patch, Riot will nerf Dr. Mundo’s early and mid-game power to balance his overall performance. By “nerfing low-MMR skewed stats,” they aim to bring down his win rates in lower tiers while improving his late-game power.

Anderson acknowledges that Mundo’s game time stats are not necessarily unhealthy, but they do not align with the desired fantasy of being invincible in the late game. Long-term plans to address his win rate based on game time are underway, but for now, the team is focused on making immediate adjustments.

Image via Riot Games

Prior to Patch 12.4, Dr. Mundo currently holds a 53.6 percent win rate in Bronze, according to stats from the League site Lolalytics. This win rate increases to 54.59 percent in Gold but drops to 52 percent in Diamond. Moreover, his win rate past 30 minutes decreases even further to 48 percent.

These planned changes for Dr. Mundo will not be implemented in Patch 12.4, which is expected to be released this week. Instead, players can anticipate these adjustments to roll out in early March.

Anderson mentions that champions like Nasus, Urgot, and Mordekaiser are examples of juggernauts that fall off at high ELOs. While it is good to have such champions, the intention was not for Dr. Mundo to be among them.