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Riot discusses the reasoning behind the recent League Patch 11.17 Amumu buffs

Amumu Receives Buff in League of Legends Patch 11.17

Amumu, the mummy champion in League of Legends, recently received a buff in Patch 11.17, making him a stronger and more impactful character. Riot, the game’s developer, shared the reasoning behind this decision in a recent dev blog.

Improving Champion Relevancy

In the dev blog, game designer AzuBK explained Riot’s approach to ensuring champions remain relevant at all ranks. The goal was to boost Amumu’s power in top-tier matches, but this was a challenging task.

Enhancing Amumu’s Abilities

Riot made adjustments to Amumu’s abilities to achieve this goal. The changes grant him two charges of Bandage Toss (Q), which allows him to farm faster, gank more effectively, and pose a greater threat in teamfights.

Positive Impact on Amumu’s Performance

Early results show positive impact on Amumu’s performance in Platinum ranks and above, with a win rate increase from 48.25% to 51%, according to However, Riot will continue to monitor his performance and may consider balance adjustments in future patches if necessary.

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Amumu, League of Legends, Patch 11.17, buff, Riot, champion, relevancy, abilities, performance, esports