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Riot Developer Unveils a Memorable Amumu Trick: Solo Baron Takedown with Size Theft

Meme of “the Buff Amumu Needs” Goes Viral among League of Legends Players

League of Legends’ senior champ designer, August “RiotAugust” Browning, joined in on the recent buzz surrounding Amumu’s resurgence in the jungle, thanks to his ability to solo Baron at just 20 minutes. Browning took to social media last night to share a meme, showcasing the “buff Amumu needs.”

Riot Developer Unveils a Memorable Amumu Trick: Solo Baron Takedown with Size Theft

In the meme, Amumu steals the Baron’s size and power, effortlessly obliterating the neutral objective as if it were nothing more than an ant.

Devs’ Memes Add to the Hype

It’s not uncommon for Riot’s developers to dive into the discussion surrounding certain champions and share memes. Riot August in particular has been known to present various “buffs” for champions to either make them more viable or incredibly overpowered. In previous instances, Udyr and Nautilus have also been the subjects of the team’s meme-worthy imagination.

Amumu: From Unpopular to Powerhouse

Despite receiving a rework a couple of years ago, Amumu has struggled to gain popularity in the jungle role. However, the recent item rework in League of Legends has transformed him into one of the most contested picks. His kit synergizes well with health tank items, granting him significant strength to take down champions in one-on-one engagements or dominate epic monsters like Baron and dragon with ease.

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Riot Developer Unveils a Memorable Amumu Trick: Solo Baron Takedown with Size Theft

League of Legends, Amumu, meme, buff, RiotAugust, jungle, Baron, popularity, champions, Udyr, Nautilus, item rework, health tank items, epic monsters.