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Riot considers buffs for Jinx, Tristana, Vayne, and other crit-focused ADCs

Riot Plans to Buff Crit-Based ADC Champions After Nerfs to Critical Strike Items

Riot is already preparing to buff major crit-based ADC champions in response to the massive nerfs to critical strike items that were aimed at weakening specific marksmen, according to a post on the official League of Legends forums.

Item Changes Open Up Opportunities for Non-Crit Damage Dealers

The recent nerfs to items like Zeal and the Infinity Edge, along with reworks to the Essence Reaver, have created space for non-crit damage dealers to thrive in the bot lane. Bruisers, tanks, and burst ADCs have replaced traditional crit marksmen, leaving the old hyper-carry crit ADCs feeling left out.

Weakening ADCs in the Mid-Game

The goal of the item changes was to make ADCs weaker in the mid-game to balance their overwhelming power once they have two to three full items. However, the changes have made ADCs so weak before reaching three items that they are considered irrelevant and overshadowed by other champions like Lucian and Vladimir.

Upcoming Buffs to Boost Early Game Power

Riot has not provided specific details about the upcoming buffs, but they are expected to focus on enhancing the power spikes of champions like Tristana, Vayne, and Jinx during the first and second item stages. The aim is to enable these ADCs to compete with the new damage options in the bot lane without excessively improving their late-game three-item spike. The buffs are likely to be introduced in the 8.13 patch cycle in about two weeks.

Riot, buff, ADC champions, crit-based, nerfs, critical strike items, League of Legends, forums, marksmen, item changes, mid-game, power spikes, Tristana, Vayne, Jinx, damage options, bot lane