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Riot boosts Udyr’s damage potential, weakens Iron Mantle stance’s tankiness, and reduces health in latest changes.

Udyr’s Gameplay Update Receives Changes in Patch 12.18

Riot Games is making adjustments to Udyr’s new gameplay update in order to help the Spirit Walker find his place in the ever-evolving meta of League of Legends.

Nerfs and Buffs for Udyr

Lead game designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison has outlined the changes coming to Udyr in Patch 12.18. First, there will be a decrease in Udyr’s base health and armor per level. Additionally, Udyr’s Iron Mantle stance will receive several nerfs, including a reduction in his percentage HP heal and shield at later levels. On the other hand, Iron Mantle will see an increase in lifesteal per level, gradually reaching a maximum of 20 percent lifesteal.

Improvements to Wilding Claw and Wingborne Storm

Udyr’s Wilding Claw ability will receive a buff with a reduction in mana cost and the addition of two new effects. The first two hits of the stance will gain 50 range, and its Awakened version will deal additional max health physical damage on those first two hits. On the other hand, Udyr’s R ability, Wingborne Storm, will suffer a damage nerf but will deal more damage later in the game.

A Shift in Udyr’s Playstyle

With the nerfs to Udyr’s tankiness, players will find it easier to chip away at his health. However, the damage buffs can be a valuable tool for chasing down enemies.

Patch 12.18 for League of Legends is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, Sept. 21.

Udyr, League of Legends, Patch 12.18, gameplay update, changes, nerfs, buffs, Wilding Claw, Iron Mantle, Wingborne Storm, meta, Riot Games.