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Riot attributes Aatrox’s selection as the next Victorious skin to his widespread appeal.

Riot Games Chooses Aatrox as the Next Victorious Champion

Riot Games has announced that Aatrox will be the next champion to receive a Victorious skin in League of Legends. Aatrox was selected due to his high presence in professional matches, with a 92 percent presence in the Summer Split. He also had a 99 percent pick/ban rate in last year’s Worlds, making him the most popular champion.

Reasons Behind Aatrox’s Selection

The primary reason for choosing Aatrox as the Victorious champion was his high relevance in the game. Riot Beardilocks, a representative from Riot Games, stated that Aatrox’s performance and presence made him a strong contender for the skin. Riot Games has a link to their official statement on how the Victorious champion is chosen, for those interested in learning more.

Aatrox’s Relevance and Controversy

Aatrox has remained a priority pick in the top lane for the past year. His ability to win and take extended trades has made him a popular choice among professional players. Despite some changes to his ultimate ability, he continues to be picked and banned in professional matches.

However, some fans have expressed qualms about the design of Aatrox’s Victorious skin. They feel that it looks too similar to Justicar Aatrox and lacks the distinctiveness they were expecting from a Victorious skin.

Representation in the Victorious Skin Line

There are concerns among fans that certain roles, such as support and ADC, are underrepresented in the Victorious skin line. The last support champion to receive a Victorious skin was Morgana five years ago, when she was primarily played in the mid lane. Similarly, Sivir is the only traditional ADC with a Victorious skin, released in 2015. In contrast, the top lane has had more recent additions to the skin line.

Despite the controversy surrounding the selection of Aatrox, Riot Games stands by their decision. They believe that Aatrox’s impact on the game’s meta in the past year and his presence in professional matches justify his selection as this year’s Victorious champion.

Riot Games, Aatrox, Victorious skin, League of Legends, professional matches, presence, pick/ban rate, relevance, controversy, design, Justicar Aatrox, representation, support, ADC, meta.