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Riot apologizes for visa issues faced by Gambit Gaming

League Championship Series Heads to Wembley Arena

This weekend, the League Championship Series is heading to Wembley Arena in London. However, one of Europe’s most well-known teams, Gambit Gaming, will not be able to attend. They blamed Riot Games, the company behind League of Legends, for informing them of the location change too late to acquire visas for their Russian-born players. As a result, Gambit Gaming will have to use four substitute players this weekend.

Riot Games Apologizes to Gambit Gaming

Late last night, Riot Games and Head of EU esports, Jason “Riotjasonliver” Yeh, offered their apologies to Gambit Gaming for the inconvenience. They admitted that it was their fault for the fiasco and expressed their sincere apologies to the team and their fans.

Riot Games Takes Responsibility

In their statement, Riot Games mentioned, “We apologize for underestimating the difficulty Gambit Gaming would have in attending the LCS London event. We wish we had informed the teams sooner about the location change so this wouldn’t have been an issue.”

No Consolation for Gambit Gaming

Unfortunately, these apologies won’t make a difference for Gambit Gaming, who are currently struggling with a 4-6 record and the possibility of relegation. They face the risk of losing their professional gaming careers due to this unfortunate situation, which was not their fault but rather a result of being Russian nationals.

Limited Options for Gambit Gaming

Riot Games claimed they looked into alternative options for playing the matches, such as Gambit Gaming participating remotely from Riot’s Cologne studio or rescheduling the matches. However, these options were ruled out due to security and connectivity risks as well as the unfairness it would cause to other teams.

Rescheduling the games or letting Gambit Gaming play remotely could have been more advantageous for the team. However, Riot Games disregarded the unfairness to Gambit Gaming and the potential impact it could have on their careers.

Fans Speak Out

Fans and media quickly highlighted the hypocrisy in Riot Games’ decision. Some argued that rescheduling the games or allowing Gambit Gaming to play remotely would have been a better solution. They believed that not accommodating the team in some way would make competitive League of Legends into a bad joke.

Gambit Gaming’s Chances

Gambit Gaming still has a chance to come out of this situation alright, just as they did in a previous split where they had to use substitutes. However, Riot Games has made it much harder for them this time and put their season in jeopardy.

In conclusion, Riot Games’ apologies may not hold much meaning considering the potential consequences for Gambit Gaming. It remains to be seen how the team will fare in the upcoming matches.

League Championship Series, Wembley Arena, Gambit Gaming, Riot Games, apology, visas, substitutes, fiasco, inconvenience, Russian-born players, professional gaming careers, rescheduling.