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Riot announces imminent Skarner VGU, reveals preliminary concept art

Skarner Voted as the Winner of the Latest VGU Poll for 2022

League of Legends players rejoiced when Skarner emerged as the champion to receive a VGU (Visual and Gameplay Update) in 2022. Despite being one of the least-played champions since his release in 2011, Skarner is set to undergo a major transformation with a new appearance and enhanced abilities, as announced in the latest Champion Roadmap.

Riot, the game’s developer, has provided fans with a sneak peek into the upcoming changes, even though the actual work on the Skarner VGU hasn’t yet begun. Larry “BravoRay” Ray, the champion art director of League of Legends, recently shared some concept images that showcase the artistic explorations of the Crystal Vanguard.

Image via Riot Games

The initial concept images aim to maintain Skarner’s current theme while incorporating modern elements to differentiate him from a typical scorpion-like creature. The final set of images, however, represents a complete reimagination of the champion’s appearance, taking into account his story in the game’s lore.

According to Riot, though not confirmed, the final three iterations of Skarner’s design depict a story where he is captured by Piltover, a fictional city in the game, experimented on, and subsequently controlled by the city to protect its interests. But Skarner eventually regains his power and consciousness, leading him to seek vengeance against Piltover and those who have harmed him and his kind.

This narrative adds an intriguing layer to the ever-expanding universe of Runeterra, the fictional world of League of Legends. However, Riot is still in the creative brainstorming phase for the update and might explore alternative directions before finalizing the changes.

Once the Skarner VGU officially begins, the League of Legends community can expect a detailed developer’s blog post that delves into the champion’s narrative and game design.

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Skarner VGU, League of Legends, Crystal Vanguard, champion update, Riot Games, Piltover, Runeterra