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Riot Announces a New Network Exclusively for League of Legends

Riot Games Begins Work on Dedicated Network to Battle Lag in League of Legends Matches

Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, is tackling the issue of lag in online matches by collaborating with internet service providers to create a direct network between players and the game servers.

According to Riot brand strategist Charlie Hauser, a dedicated network is currently being developed to address the problem of latency, which is particularly severe for players on the East Coast. In a forum post, Hauser acknowledges the frustration expressed by players and emphasizes the need for a solution.

“Currently, ISPs focus primarily on moving large volumes of data in seconds or minutes, which is good for buffered applications like YouTube or Netflix but not so good for real-time games, which need to move very small amounts of data in milliseconds. On top of that, your internet connection might bounce all over the country instead of running directly to where it needs to go, which can impact your network quality and ping whether the game server is across the country or right down the street.”

In October, Riot acknowledged the issue of high ping for North American players and outlined plans to address the problem. The ongoing NA Server Roadmap plan aims to improve match quality by addressing issues such as antiquated infrastructure, bad traffic routing, and server locations.

As part of the ongoing plan, Riot is seeking feedback from players on the improvements or potential drawbacks they are experiencing. Players can provide their feedback through an online survey form.


Riot Games has taken steps towards combating lag in League of Legends matches by working with internet service providers to create a direct network for players. The developer acknowledges the frustration caused by high latency, particularly for East Coast players, and is actively working on a solution. Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the ongoing NA Server Roadmap plan to help improve match quality. With these efforts, Riot Games aims to enhance the gaming experience for League of Legends players.

Riot Games, League of Legends, lag, latency, online matches, dedicated network, internet service providers, East Coast players, high ping, NA Server Roadmap plan, feedback