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Riot Allegedly Scheduled to Meet with LCSPA Regarding League-Wide Walkout Discussion

The 2023 LCS Summer Split: Updates on the League of Legends Walkout

The League of Legends community eagerly awaits news regarding the upcoming 2023 LCS Summer Split. The LCS Players Association recently announced that the league’s collective player base has agreed to walk out on the opening day of the season.

Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, is taking steps to ensure that the season is not delayed unnecessarily. Riot is reportedly meeting with the Players Association today to discuss the league-wide walkout.

These developments are a result of Riot’s recent decision to remove a mandate that required LCS organizations to field Challengers League teams to support NA’s tier-two scene. Following this decision, several teams disbanded their NA Challenger League rosters, leaving players and staff without jobs.

Concerns about the Region’s Path to Pro

The removal of this mandate has caused many fans, players, and members of the League scene to worry about the region’s path to becoming a professional player. The absence of support from major organizations has left the tier-two scene uncertain.

Some former LCS players have even recommended that aspiring pros consider moving to Europe to join the EMEA Regional Leagues, as they offer a more reliable path to a spot on a top-tier roster compared to NA’s current system.

The Players Association’s Stance

The Players Association, led by executive director Phillip Aram, has been outspoken about the walkout and supports the players’ decision to boycott the league. The Players Association has actively discouraged players from becoming “scab players” for LCS teams that are merely looking to fill roster spots on opening day.

The upcoming meeting between the Players Association and Riot is hoped to be productive, although further details have not been disclosed.

The 2023 LCS Summer Split is scheduled to begin on Thursday, June 1.

The 2023 LCS Summer Split, League of Legends walkout, LCS Players Association, Riot Games, LCS organizations, NA Challenger League, tier-two scene, EMEA Regional Leagues