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Riot aims to maintain Dr. Mundo as a straightforward champion in his rework

Riot Games Unveils Plans for Dr. Mundo’s Rework

Riot Games revealed the upcoming rework for Dr. Mundo in their recent dev blog post. The update aims to align Mundo’s visuals with the overall style of League of Legends while maintaining the simplicity of his kit.

Keeping Mundo’s Kit Complexity

The development team at Riot wants to enhance the mastery aspect of Mundo’s kit without introducing excessive complexity. Players can expect his kit to remain relatively unchanged, ensuring that lightning-fast reflexes are not required.

Preserving Key Elements

Mundo’s current focus on “super-tank regeneration” and the ability to consistently throw cleavers will still be a part of his updated gameplay. However, Riot intends to introduce more counterplay options and expand Mundo’s gameplay possibilities beyond just landing cleavers.

Exploring Ideas for the Rework

The developers have been experimenting with various ideas for Mundo’s rework. One concept involved Mundo gaining maximum health each time he was hit, but this was deemed too encouraging of risky decision-making. Another idea centered around creating a chain-reacting corpse explosion from ripping out cleavers, but it shifted Mundo’s playstyle more towards a mage rather than a tanky top laner.

Dr. Mundo’s rework is scheduled for release in 2021. Riot plans to provide more updates and insights in a future blog post later this year.

Riot Games, Dr. Mundo, rework, League of Legends, kit complexity, visuals, counterplay options, gameplay possibilities, update, 2021 release.