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Riot aims to enhance Lucian’s viability with updated changes, expanding his compatibility beyond Nami and Yuumi

Lucian’s Passive Gets a Major Update, Bringing Versatility to Bottom Lane

In the world of League of Legends, Lucian has always been a force to be reckoned with when paired with Nami in the bottom lane. However, Riot Games is about to change that with an upcoming update that aims to bring more diversity to Lucian’s pool of possible lane partners. The changes to his passive, Lightbringer, will allow Lucian to synergize with a wider range of supports, opening up new possibilities for team compositions.

What Are the Changes to Lucian’s Passive?

The first noticeable change is a nerf to the base magic damage and magic AD ratio of Lucian’s passive, Vigilance. However, this decrease in damage is compensated by a new mechanic: Lucian can now trigger additional magic damage whenever an enemy champion is hit with crowd control within a 1000-unit range. This change broadens his options for support champions and allows him to flourish alongside tank champions like Braum, Leona, and Thresh. Previously, Lucian relied on healing, shielding, or buffs to activate his bonus damage, resulting in him being primarily paired with enchanters in the bottom lane.

Lucian’s Enhanced Synergy with Supports

In previous patches, Lucian’s partnership with Nami was particularly devastating in the early game, where the combination of Electrocute Nami, Lucian’s passive, Nami’s Tidecaller’s Blessing, and the base auto-attack could easily dominate opponents. However, this level of effectiveness was limited to specific situations. With the changes to Lucian’s passive, he will no longer be confined to a narrow range of support champions. Instead, he can thrive in a variety of team compositions, breaking free from the current reliance on Nami, Yuumi, or Milio as his sole partners.

These upcoming changes to Lucian’s passive seek to introduce versatility and strategic options to the bottom lane. With these modifications, Lucian is poised to bring a new level of excitement and adaptability to League of Legends.

, Lucian, League of Legends, bottom lane, support champions, passive, Vigilance, crowd control, tank champions, enchanters, Nami