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Riot aims to assist with enhancing the AP Malphite glass-cannon build

Riot Plans Buffs for Malphite’s AP Build in Patch 8.7

In League of Legends, sometimes you just want to play Malphite as a full AP mid laner without building any tank items. And in the upcoming Patch 8.7, Riot Games is planning to buff this AP build, making it even more enticing.

First and foremost, Riot is buffing Malphite’s ultimate ability, known as his “R.” This ability is crucial for the AP variant of Malphite as it deals the most magic damage. And in Patch 8.7, the cooldown of his ultimate will be significantly reduced, allowing him to use it more often.

Additionally, Riot is adding more burst damage to Malphite’s kit. When Malphite uses his ultimate, he typically follows up with his Q ability, but now he will also have the benefit of his E ability, known as Ground Slam. The AP scaling of this ability is being increased from 20% to 60%, meaning that Malphite’s AP will now grant him more damage.

While it’s important to note that tank Malphite is still considered the optimal choice, these buffs to the AP build will definitely make players consider trying it out. Who knows, maybe selling a Frozen Heart for a Luden’s Echo will be worth it.

These changes are set to go live in Patch 8.7 next week, so keep an eye out for them.

Related keywords: Malphite, League of Legends, AP build, Patch 8.7, buffs, Riot Games