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Riot Aims to Add Excitement to Pro Games: Upcoming Alterations to Baron, Dragons, Jungle Items, and Stopwatch

Riot Plans Big Changes to Speed up League of Legends Pro Games

In a recent post on the official League forums, Riot expressed their concern that professional League of Legends games have been slow and lacking in action compared to normal and amateur games this new season.

To address this issue, Riot has announced several significant changes to the game that aim to increase the pace and intensity of pro games. These changes include buffs to the Baron and Elder Dragon buffs, the removal of the Tracker’s Knife jungle item, and a nerf to the Perfect Timing rune’s Stopwatch.

Baron Buff Changes

The most extreme change is the buff to the Baron Nashor. With the new buff, siege minions will deal 300% more damage to structures, caster minions will take half damage from enemy champions, and the Baron’s stats will scale harder into the late game. This will make pushing with Baron-empowered minions much more devastating and important for ending games.

You can already see the power of the Baron buff in action in this video posted on the League Reddit community.

Elder Dragon Buff Changes

The Elder Dragon buff will also receive a major change. Each Elder Dragon buff will now stack on top of one another, meaning that acquiring the buff multiple times will significantly increase your chances of winning. Additionally, the respawn time of the Elder Dragon will be reduced from 10 minutes to eight, further speeding up the game.

Removal of Tracker’s Knife and Perfect Timing Rune Nerf

The Tracker’s Knife jungle item, which provides wards to the user, will be removed. This change is aimed at improving the game for pro players by eliminating the necessity of the item and allowing for more build diversity and damage from junglers.

The Stopwatch granted by the Perfect Timing rune will also be nerfed. Currently, it has been causing issues with early tower dives and one-on-one fights, resulting in longer games. The nerf will increase the time requirement for the Stopwatch from six minutes to 10, encouraging certain types of champions to consider other runes.

All of these changes are set to launch with Patch 8.4 next week, so be prepared for a faster and more action-packed pro League of Legends experience!

League of Legends, pro games, Riot, buffs, Baron, Elder Dragon, Tracker’s Knife, Perfect Timing rune, Patch 8.4