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Riot adjusts Seraphine’s role to the mid lane in League Patch 10.23

Riot to Make Changes to Seraphine’s Kit in Upcoming Patch

League of Legends lead gameplay designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter recently discussed upcoming changes to the champion Seraphine. According to Yetter, Seraphine is currently skewed more towards the support role than intended. However, Riot hopes to make adjustments in Patch 10.23 to shift her primary position to the mid lane.

Tweaks for Mid Lane Positioning

In Patch 10.23, Riot plans to give Seraphine better access to scaling damage, making her more viable as a mid laner. The adjustments will focus on her kit to ensure that the mid lane becomes her primary position. The changes aim to maintain the viability of her support role while bringing it to a reasonable state.

Adjustments to Key Abilities

Riot will be making specific adjustments to Seraphine’s abilities to improve her performance as a solo laner. This includes changes to her passive, High Note (Q), and Beat Drop (E). The AP ratio for Stage Presence’s note will start lower but scale better as the game progresses. Additionally, her Q ability will receive more base damage and higher AP ratios in the later stages of the game. Her E ability will have a flat 100% bonus damage to minions, removing the scaling percentage. The base damage for the ability will be reduced, making Seraphine support less powerful.

A Reasonable Support Pick

These changes aim to make Seraphine a more reasonable support pick, offering enemy bot laners more counterplay and reducing her oppressive nature. However, Riot does not intend to remove her from the bot lane meta entirely.

The updates to Seraphine’s kit are expected to go live with League Patch 10.23 on Wednesday, November 11, according to Riot’s patch schedule.

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League of Legends, Seraphine, champion, gameplay designer, upcoming changes, support role, Patch 10.23, mid lane, scaling damage.