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Riot Adjusts Clear Speed for Junglers in Early League Preseason PBE Update

Jungle Changes Coming to League of Legends in Preseason

Changes to the jungle position in League of Legends have been a major point of discussion this preseason. In a recent micropatch, six jungle champions were buffed along with adjustments to three new items in the game.

Last night, League game designer Ezra ‘Phlox’ Lynn revealed further changes coming to the game’s Public Beta Environment (PBE).

“Brought down early clearspeed by ~5-7% and bumped up lategame sustain a tad,” said Phlox in a tweet. “Also added some adjustments to leashing so there’s a decent bit more room to kite while clearing.”

This tweet by Phlox outlined the changes made to the jungle, reducing the early game clear speed by approximately 5-7% while providing more sustainability in the late game. It also introduced adjustments to leashing, allowing for more flexibility while clearing.

Another tweet, this time by Spideraxe, a moderator for Surrender@20, provided further details about the changes to jungle clear speed. It mentioned an increase in health and mana restored by champions after defeating large jungle monsters in the later stages of the game. Additionally, the base damage of the new jungle pets was reduced, but they now scale with 10% bonus armor and magic resist based on the champion’s stats.

These changes aim to make it more challenging for champions to quickly clear the jungle in the early stages of the game. However, in the late game, the scaling damage from the pets and additional resources gained after clearing a camp should make it easier to clear camps at higher levels.

Release Date and Impact

These jungle changes are set to be released with Patch 12.23, the final scheduled patch of League of Legends for 2022. The patch is scheduled to go live on December 7, according to the game’s official patch schedule.

These changes will have a significant impact on jungle gameplay, adjusting clear speeds, sustainability, and the dynamics of leashing. Players will need to adapt their strategies and playstyles accordingly to thrive in the updated jungle environment.

Related: Junglers continue to get love from Riot with 6 buffed champions in upcoming League Patch 12.22b

League of Legends, jungle changes, preseason, patch 12.23, clear speed, sustainability, leashing, junglers, gameplay