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Riot acknowledges Yuumi’s gameplay imbalance and pledges to introduce innovative means for countering her

Yuumi’s Strengths and Challenges in League of Legends

Yuumi, the Magical Cat in League of Legends, has become a notorious champion since her release. With her powerful abilities, she poses a tough challenge for players in the bottom lane. Her ultimate can singlehandedly turn the tide of a teamfight with its massive healing and damage.

Riot Games, the creator of League of Legends, acknowledged in a recent developer post that Yuumi may have been too strong. However, they also emphasized that she is a champion that requires a high level of skill to master.

“We recognize that playing against Yuumi hasn’t been fair,” Riot stated. “But this doesn’t mean she shouldn’t exist. We just need to find creative ways to ensure that there are enough counterplay options for opponents. This involves making sure Yuumi has to leave the safety of her ally and engage with opponents regularly.”

Unlike other champions in League, Yuumi doesn’t rely heavily on traditional skills like positioning and dodging skillshots. Instead, players need to learn a unique set of skills specific to her abilities.

For example, Yuumi players must know the optimal timing to detach from their lane partner and activate her passive ability. They also need to choose the best teammate to stick to and buff as the game progresses. Additionally, they must master the art of maneuvering her Q skill to bypass unwanted targets.

Playing Yuumi also requires a lot of teamwork and coordination. She excels in teamfights, as her heals, shields, and ultimate are most effective when used in collaboration with a prepared team.

While recent nerfs have helped balance Yuumi, further adjustments may be necessary to address concerns from the player community.