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Riot acknowledges shortcomings in last week’s LCS broadcast, shares improvements for week 2

Riot Games Improves LCS Broadcast for Week Two of the Summer Split

The LCS is taking steps to enhance the viewer experience after receiving feedback on last week’s broadcast. Riot Games has acknowledged the issues faced by League of Legends fans and is implementing updates for week two of the league.

Christopher Greeley, the LCS commissioner, has admitted that they “missed the mark” with the previous broadcast and is committed to making improvements. Riot is collaborating with its LCS engineering team to fix technical problems, including audio issues and screen flickering.

The heads-up display (HUD) has also been addressed, with Riot focusing on improving design elements and data accuracy. The top bar has been resized to make tracking information easier for fans, and the clarity of the stats has been enhanced. Additionally, a fix has been deployed to ensure the HUD reports information more quickly and accurately.

One of the main concerns from last week’s broadcast was Friday Night League (FNL). Riot aimed for FNL to have its own distinct visual style and tone, but it ended up being jarring for some viewers. To address this, Riot plans to scale back on the visual elements of FNL and make it feel more cohesive with the studio environment.

The issues with the analyst desk segments have also been acknowledged, with Riot agreeing that some of them felt forced. They are now working closely with the on-air team to improve the quality of the broadcasts in the upcoming weeks.

The second week of the LCS will kick off on Friday, June 19 at 8pm CT with a match between Golden Guardians and CLG.

Riot Games, LCS, Summer Split, League of Legends, broadcast updates, viewer experience, technical problems, heads-up display, Friday Night League, FNL, analyst desk, Golden Guardians, CLG