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Riot Acknowledges Galio Overbuffed, Deems Sejuani’s State as “Reasonable”

New Update in League of Legends Patch 9.1

Last week, League of Legends Patch 9.1 brought some significant changes to the game. Two champions, Sejuani and Galio, have become the center of attention since the update.

Sejuani’s presence in the meta is always a cause for concern, as it usually means she is extremely powerful. In this current meta, she not only serves as a tank but also deals considerable damage and can defeat almost any champion in any role with the right items. Galio, on the other hand, has been a burst mage in the mid lane for a while now, and this trend continues in Patch 9.1.

Insights from Riot on Galio and Sejuani

Recently, Riot addressed the community’s concerns about Galio’s strength in a forum post. They admitted that Galio was buffed too much during the pre-season, resulting in him being overpowered. However, they believe that Sejuani is in a good place and consider her power level reasonable despite her dominance in the current meta.

This post also mentioned that it is too early to fully evaluate Sejuani’s changes, but the balance team is cautiously optimistic. As evidence, she has been a popular pick in both the LCK and LEC tournaments.

Possible Changes for Galio

Riot’s balance team is aware of Galio’s overtuned state, and they are already planning nerfs for him in the next patch. The adjustments will mainly target his Q ability, which is responsible for most of his laning damage. The team hopes that these changes will bring him back to a more balanced level and make him less frustrating to play against.

What to Expect in the Future

Patch 9.2 is on the way, and it will include the Galio nerfs mentioned earlier. However, there are no planned nerfs for Sejuani in this update. If Sejuani does receive any adjustments, it is likely to happen in Patch 9.3.

Stay tuned for more updates and balance changes in the world of League of Legends!

Related keywords: League of Legends, Patch 9.1, Sejuani, Galio, meta, balance changes