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Riot acknowledges community backlash on ARURF mode: “Urf negatively impacts League player base”

The League of Legends Community Reacts to Riot’s Snow Battle ARURF

The League of Legends community has expressed their dissatisfaction with Riot’s newest game mode, Snow Battle ARURF. In response to the backlash, Riot has addressed the concerns in a recent statement.

Traditional URF Mode and its Impact on Player Engagement

Riot has made a deliberate decision to avoid bringing back the traditional URF mode due to its negative impact on player engagement. It has been observed that when URF is available, there is a significant increase in the number of players quitting the game permanently.

A Possible Explanation for the Decline in Player Numbers

According to Greg Street, the design director of League of Legends, the drop in player numbers after URF could be due to a “hangover effect.” Players indulge in URF mode, which offers faster gameplay with no mana costs and lower cooldowns, making regular games seem slow in comparison. The randomized champion selection in ARURF provides a similar experience.

Riot’s Continued Efforts to Find a Balance

Despite the negative impact on player engagement, Riot acknowledges the community’s desire for URF mode and continues to experiment with different iterations. They are determined to find a version that does not negatively impact the overall gameplay experience.

So, if you are not enjoying Snow Battle ARURF, be prepared for more changes in the future.

League of Legends, Riot, Snow Battle ARURF, URF mode, player engagement, community outcry