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Release Dates for All League of Legends Champions

League of Legends Champions: A Look at the Expanding Roster

League of Legends, the popular MOBA game developed by Riot Games, was originally planned to have only 20 champions. However, as the game approached its full release in North America on Oct. 27, 2009, the number of champions ended up being doubled.

Fast forward to September 2023, and the roster has grown significantly. There are now a whopping 165 champions available to play. The latest addition to the ever-growing list is Briar, a “living weapon” created through blood magic.

The excitement doesn’t stop there. Hwei, the Visionary, is also set to join the League of Legends roster soon, alongside patch 13.24.

The Complete List of Champions in League of Legends

ChampionRelease Date
AatroxJune 13, 2013
AhriDec. 14, 2011

For the complete list of champions, including their release dates, you can check out this video.

League of Legends continues to expand its roster, offering diverse and exciting gameplay options for its passionate community. Stay tuned for more updates on new champions and exciting patch releases.

League of Legends, MOBA game, Riot Games, champions, roster, Briar, Hwei, Visionary, patch 13.24, gameplay options, patch releases.