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Rekkles Left Out of Fnatic’s Starting LEC Lineup Following Unexpected Role Swap

Fnatic AD Carry Rekkles Announces Role Swap to Support

Fnatic’s legendary AD carry, Rekkles, revealed today that he will be transitioning to the support role in professional League of Legends.

As a result, Fnatic has decided to bench Rekkles and remove him from the starting lineup for the upcoming 2023 LEC Summer Split. It is expected that once another team offers to buy out his two-year contract, Fnatic will part ways with him entirely.

Rekkles made this decision after realizing that he was not making progress as an AD carry. In a video posted on his personal Twitter account, Rekkles stated that he believed the best course of action was to make a change.

Fnatic and Rekkles have struggled in the first half of the 2023 League season, failing to qualify for the LEC playoffs for two consecutive splits. The team plans to sign a new AD carry in the coming weeks and will continue with Advienne as the starting support.

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It is uncertain whether Fnatic will keep Rekkles on the roster and reintroduce him to the LEC stage later in the 2023 season or before the 2024 campaign. Rekkles’ current contract extends until the end of the 2024 season, according to the global contract database of LoL. Another LEC team may purchase his contract if they need a support player.

“Game knowledge is there, communication is there, so there’s honestly no reason for me not to pull this off,” Rekkles said in his personal video.

Although Rekkles’ decision to change roles comes as a surprise, he has played support champions on the LEC stage in the past. He gained attention for his Janna play in the 2018 season and also experimented with champions like Karma and Sona the following year.

It is unknown when and how Rekkles will train as a support player in a competitive environment, but Fnatic has pledged to support his transition in any way possible.

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The start date for the 2023 LEC Summer Split has not yet been announced, but it is expected to begin in early June. Fnatic has approximately five weeks to find a replacement ADC to fill the void left by Rekkles.