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Reflections on life and League from SKT’s Bang and Wolf

SK Telecom T1 is known for being Lee “Faker” Sang-heyok’s team and for having the best player in the world. However, their bottom lane duo, consisting of Junsik “Bang” Bae as ADC and Lee “Wolf” Jae-wan as his support, has played a significant role in their success over the past two years.

Recently, both Bang and Wolf spoke separately with Inven Global to discuss their time on SKT and their lives as professional gamers. They opened up about their journey before turning pro, their experience playing on SKT, and their motivations for the future.

League before school

Both players were introduced to League during their high school years. Bang shared, “When I was a freshman in high school, a friend asked me to play League of Legends with him and I realized I was pretty good.” Wolf also started playing at a young age, saying, “When I was in 10th grade, I reached the top of Korean solo queue and knew I wanted to go pro.”

Both players had difficulties balancing their time between climbing the ladder in South Korea and their school responsibilities. Bang found it “very exhausting” to strike a balance, while Wolf took a different approach. He explained, “I asked all ten of my teachers if I could sleep in class so that I could practice LoL all night to become a professional gamer. Six of them agreed.”

Initially, Wolf wanted to play a high-damage style and didn’t enjoy playing support. However, he realized that there weren’t many skilled amateur supports, so he decided to focus on that role while Bang became an ADC.

Transitioning from a hobby to a career in gaming can be tough, but Bang’s family supported his decision to turn pro. Wolf’s mother needed more convincing, but now she actively follows the scene and keeps up with rumors and news about the players. Wolf finds it amazing how knowledgeable she is about the industry.

The pressure of SKT

Before joining SKT, Bang started his pro career with KT and then played for NaJin Shield and Xenics Blast. He reflected on those times, saying, “I didn’t have any stress about winning back then. I just loved everything about it. I didn’t play so well, but it was the happiest time of my pro career. I’m pretty happy now too, but it can’t compare to back then.”

Similarly, Wolf has experienced fleeting moments of happiness during his career. He wonders when he was the happiest, mentioning winning LCK, Worlds, Korea eSports Awards, and this year’s Worlds as potential contenders.

Joining SKT brought about significant changes for both players. One of the biggest influences was coach Kim “kkOma” Jung-gyun’s honest feedback. Bang said, “[kkOma] made me realize that I had been approaching the game the wrong way. It was a wake-up call.” Bang attributes his daily improvement to kkOma’s new practice routine, feedback, and conflict mediation. The pressure from kkOma’s coaching motivated him to work even harder and believe in himself.

With the amount of pressure, burnout is a real concern. Wolf admits that he has been able to push himself due to the financial security that comes with professional gaming. He also wants to meet fans in his best form.

Despite their success, the pressure of performing at the highest level is difficult to handle. Bang reveals that after winning Season 5 Worlds, his first emotion was relief rather than pure joy. The weight of knowing that one mistake could cost them a game was a heavy burden for him. He worked hard to play as perfectly as possible.

Finding motivation

Turning from starry-eyed teenagers into professional gamers isn’t without its challenges. Winning Season 5 Worlds only increased Bang’s expectations and the pressure he felt in Season 6. He felt as though he had to start from scratch and face even more pressure. Bang sought counseling to cope with the pressure and learned the power of optimism. He believes that having a solid state of mind will be valuable when he eventually quits competitive gaming.

Wolf, on the other hand, finds motivation in his family. He mentioned that his mother has a heart condition, and he provides financial support to help pay for her medical bills. He wishes she would use his credit card and take care of herself. His motivation comes from wanting to make his family proud and provide for them.

Life after SKT

As Bang enters his third year with the team, he has transformed from a fun-loving teenager into a professional with a steely determination. While playing League may not be as appealing as it was in his younger years, gaming is his passion. He believes that being a professional gamer is the best job for him, and he wouldn’t be as happy doing anything else.

Wolf contemplates his future as a pro gamer. He feels as though he is wearing a mask named “Wolf” and wants to be his authentic self as Jaewan Lee. He questions whether he is cut out to be a professional gamer. If he decides to quit, he has considered pursuing other options within eSports, such as becoming a commentator, caster, reporter, or counselor. Alternatively, he has thought about leaving eSports altogether and becoming a literature teacher, which was his dream before getting into gaming.

Given Wolf’s colorful personality and his drive to improve, he is likely to succeed in whatever venture he pursues.