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Reduction in League of Legends’ jungle experience gains expected in upcoming pre-season

Junglers in League of Legends are about to experience even more value reductions, according to a recent post on the game’s forums by Riot. This will be the second time these reductions have happened this year.

Riot lead designer Andrei “Meddler” van Roon mentioned that junglers are currently gaining more experience than before the mid-season update. This is the reason for the upcoming nerfs. The mid-season update referred to is Patch 8.10 from May, where experience levels for most jungle monsters were significantly nerfed, even at higher levels. This resulted in a net loss in experience for junglers.

For instance, the large Razorbeak’s experience dropped from 62 to 20 at level one, and the small Razorbeaks went down from 35 to 19. Even at level seven, the highest experience for these camps was only 31 and 30, which was a significant decrease from their original values.

Although Riot also removed the overleveled experience limit in Patch 8.10, the goal was still to nerf jungling experience and reduce jungle impact. Riot now wants to further nerf jungle experience later in the game.

If these changes go through, the jungle role will feel even less important than it did after Patch 8.10. The extent of the impact is uncertain until the nerfs arrive on the PBE. It is hoped that if these nerfs are implemented, some of the early experience lost in Patch 8.10 will be regained, even if it’s only a small amount.