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Rediscovering Kalista’s Potential: Recent Changes May Revive the Champion in Solo Queue

Kalista Receives Buffs and Nerfs in Latest Changes

Riot Games is making further adjustments to the ADC role in League of Legends, especially for the champion Kalista, who has struggled this season. These changes aim to address her low pick rate and win rate, potentially making her viable in solo queue once again.

While Kalista’s base damage is being lowered slightly, she is receiving buffs to the AD damage ratios of her passive, Q, and E abilities. This means she will be able to deal more damage throughout the game. In addition, her passive will no longer miss opponents who are out of vision. However, her ultimate and tethering aspect of her passive remain unchanged.

Kalista has historically been underutilized in solo queue because she relies heavily on teamwork, particularly her ultimate ability. However, in professional play, she occasionally appears when other ADC options are unavailable.

Kalista currently has a low win rate of 45 percent and a pick rate of only one percent, despite recent changes to marksman items. Even the addition of AP ratios to her abilities in a previous patch did not significantly impact her presence in the game.

The changes to Kalista are currently being tested on PBE and are expected to be released with Patch 13.12 on June 14. It is important to note that these changes may be adjusted before they become available on live servers.

Kalista, League of Legends, ADC, pick rate, win rate, buffs, nerfs, PBE, patch, marksman items