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Redemption Makes an Unexpected Comeback in the League Meta

Is the Redemption Meta Coming Back?

It’s been over a year since the Ardent Censer and Redemption meta dominated the League of Legends scene. Luckily, that era of boring gameplay is behind us. However, it seems that the Redemption meta might be making a comeback.

Redemption in the Jungle?

In a surprising twist, Redemption is being used more frequently in the jungle rather than on traditional support champions. One of its biggest proponents is Olaf, a normally aggressive early-game jungler. This raises the question, why?

On the surface, it doesn’t appear to make sense. Olaf, who relies on a strong early game, typically wouldn’t benefit from a passive and support-style item like Redemption. Yet, professional players and high-profile streamers such as Mike Yeung, Kang “Ambition” Chan-yong, and William “Meteos” Hartman are building Redemption on Olaf.

Why Redemption on Olaf?

While Redemption doesn’t directly enhance Olaf’s abilities, it does amplify the self-heal he gains from Smite. The build also includes items like Locket of the Iron Solari that synergize with Redemption’s passive. By building cheaper items, Olaf remains effective even with lower experience gains from camps. This strategy keeps him relevant later in the game when he would typically fall off.

Expanding Redemption to Other Junglers

Redemption is also being built on other junglers such as Nunu and Ivern. These champions have abilities that directly benefit from Redemption’s effects. The goal is to prioritize crowd control over damage early on and rely on the regeneration and active ability provided by Redemption to support the team as the game progresses. This strategy has become more popular due to recent experience changes in Patch 9.2.

If you want to stay ahead of the curve, now is the time to try the Redemption build. Take champions like Nunu or Olaf into a normal game and see the impact it can have.

Related keywords: esports news, League of Legends, Redemption meta, Olaf, jungle, support champions, Ardent Censer, early game, self-heal, Smite, Locket of the Iron Solari, Nunu, Ivern, crowd control, Patch 9.2, strategy.