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Recap of LMS Week Two

Machi’s Impressive Performance in Week Two

In the previous week, Machi displayed some impressive games against the top team Ahq in the League, taking advantage of Bard’s weak early game. However, they fell short in defeating the pinnacle of the LMS. Moving on to this week, Machi faced the experienced team Assassin Sniper.

Many believed that Assassin Sniper’s experience would guarantee their victory, but Machi had other plans. Machi consistently outperformed their opponents as a team, showcasing better map movement and objective control. With the help of their coach and analyst, Machi secured an easy 2-0 win.

Machi then faced HKE, a struggling team with Dinter’s struggles in the cinderhulk meta. Machi’s superior laning phase and late-game shotcalling proved to be the winning factors in the game against HKE. Although they lost the second map, Machi’s performance remained strong throughout the game. Republic and Dee emerged as formidable carry threats in the LMS, which could potentially shake up the league alongside the rest of the team.

HKE’s Continued Decline

HKE is currently facing multiple issues, including Dinter’s struggles with the cinderhulk meta and the communication breakdown caused by the addition of Korean import Raison. Dinter showed progress in the previous split but has regressed significantly in the recent games, struggling to keep up with other junglers’ pathing.

As for Raison, his replacement of GodJJ as AD has disrupted the team’s communication. While Olleh and Raison can communicate in Korean, their synergy has suffered. Olleh’s roaming, which was a defining characteristic of HKE’s mid-game strategy, has decreased significantly in the LMS.

In the previous week, HKE struggled against the casual team Assassin Sniper, showcasing clear weaknesses in the jungle and bot lane. They also suffered a crushing defeat against Ahq, unable to put up a fight in both games. Losing to the top team in the league is expected, but HKE’s decline was evident when they were upset by the rookie team Machi.

Bottom Half Teams Making an Impact

In the previous split, bottom half teams struggled to secure victories against more experienced squads and could only claim two maps against top teams. Promising teams like Midnight Sun Esports weren’t ready to compete at a higher level.

However, this week showcased increased competition in the league, with rookie and sophomore teams challenging the top teams from last year. Two notable results occurred this week. TPA lost another game to the Logitech Snipers, confirming a trend from the previous split. The Snipers capitalized on their lead and their AD carry, RD, secured fifteen kills.

In a shocking turn of events, the Flash Wolves lost a game to Midnight Sun Esports. Although the Flash Wolves tend to excel in macro play, their laning and teamfighting skills have always been questionable. Taking advantage of this, MSE took an early lead, temporarily stumbled, but managed to maintain their lead and secure the second game of the bo2.

Ahq Dominates the Competition

Ahq continues to prove that they are a force to be reckoned with in the league. They emerged victorious against HKE and Assassin Sniper without any issues. Ahq secured gold leads and maintained control throughout the games. Unlike their previous encounter against a rookie team, Ahq decided not to experiment with Bard and easily achieved a clean 2-0 victory. They remain the only undefeated team in the league and are currently in first place, awaiting a worthy competitor.

Photos are not my own. Borrowed from

esports, Machi, Ahq, HKE, LMS, Assassin Sniper, League, dominance, competition, Flash Wolves, Logitech Snipers, Midnight Sun Esports, LMS Meta, cinderhulk, AD carry, jungler.