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Recap of LCK Finals: SKT T1 vs KT Rolster

Game 1

In the first game, SKT chose Azir as their first pick, which is currently the strongest AOE Control mid laner. KT picked Vi and LeBlanc, and SKT countered by taking away Ashe from Arrow. However, Arrow still performed well with Corki in the early game. SKT had a stronger team composition with Azir, Maokai, and Ashe’s ultimate, allowing them to control team fights. Faker had a 40 creep advantage over Nagne by the 15th minute.

Game 2

In the second game, Vayne and Shen were the first two bans, just like in game 1. KT picked Fizz as their first pick, aiming to make Ssunmday a carry champion. SKT picked Malphite along with Kennen and Faker’s Diana for a massive team fight. SKT took an early lead and snowballed it into a 5k gold advantage. Faker and MaRin dominated their opponents, leading to a 20k gold lead and a victory for SKT.

Game 3

In the third game, SKT showed their expertise in picks and bans. They chose Elise as their first pick, a comfortable choice for Bengi. Faker’s Riven and Ssunmday’s Gangplank were highlights of the game. Faker excelled, securing first blood and making impressive kills throughout the game. SKT made some mistakes but ultimately came out on top with a victory and a spot in Worlds as the number one seed.

esports, SKT, KT, Azir, Vi, LeBlanc, Ashe, Corki, Faker, Nagne, Maokai, Vayne, Shen, Fizz, Malphite, Kennen, Diana, Elise, Riven, Ssunmday, Gangplank, Worlds