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Rankings of NA LCS Bottom Lane for Season 5

Top Ranked Bot Lanes in North American LCS

The North American LCS is in its fifth week and it’s a good time to evaluate player performance in the bot lanes. In this article, we will take a closer look at what makes a bot lane great in NA.

Factors Considered for Rankings

1. Performance: It is the most important factor. The players’ performance on stage matters the most.

2. Synergy: The support and carry must have good synergy to perform well in laning and team fights.

3. Team Contribution: The bot lane’s impact on the team’s performance is considered. Are they a burden or a strong asset to the team?

4. Growth and Potential: The potential for improvement and growth of the duo in their time playing in the LCS is evaluated.

5. Behind the Scenes: Issues like roster swaps and internal problems that may affect player abilities are taken into account.


  1. TSM’s WildTurtle and Lustboy (WildBoys)
  2. WildTurtle has consistently shown his skill since joining TSM in Season 3. Lustboy, though initially doubted, has proven to be a strong support. They have good synergy and have grown a lot. They are the best in NA because they have reached their growth potential and fit well into the team.

  3. Gravity’s Cop and BunnyFufu (LCSPD)
  4. Gravity’s bot lane has performed well in every matchup. They have the potential to carry their team to victory. They work well as a team and are growing together. Their performance and potential make them the second-best bot lane in NA.

  5. CLG’s Doublelift and Aphromoo (Rush Hour)
  6. Doublelift’s mentality of always needing to carry holds him back. Aphromoo supports him well, but Doublelift needs to work on decision-making and following the shot caller’s instructions. They are one of the greatest bot lanes, but they need improvement to reach the top spots.

  7. Winterfox’s Altec and Imagine/Gleeb (Awkward Talks)
  8. Winterfox’s bot lane has the potential to grow. They have shown good mechanical skills and relieve pressure from their teammates. The team’s support and the chance for growth are the reasons why they are in the fourth position.

  9. Cloud 9’s Sneaky and LemonNation (Cold War)
  10. Sneaky is a good player, but he is not the sole carry of Cloud 9. LemonNation consistently steps up and supports the team. Cloud 9’s strategic play and the team’s reliability make them the fifth-ranked bot lane.

For the remaining bot lanes, please visit the source article.

bot lanes, North American LCS, player performance, synergy, growth potential, TSM, Gravity, CLG, Winterfox, Cloud9.