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Rank Distribution in the Flex Queue of League of Legends

League of Legends Ranked Matches: Understanding the Flex Queue Rank Distribution

League of Legends (LoL) is a competitive game where players test their skills against each other in Ranked Matches. These matches allow players to earn League Points (LP) and climb in tier and division. The competitive spirit of the game is maintained through this system.

The Flex Queue in LoL has some major differences compared to the Solo and Duo queues. In Flex Queue, you play with a whole team of your friends, meaning you depend more on communication and teamwork. Unlike in Solo and Duo queues, where you climb the tiers with your buddy, in Flex Queue, you form a team with your friends. This teamwork and communication are essential for securing victories.

Communication is key to winning in Flex Queue. Riot added this mode not just for playing with friends but also to develop communication skills with other players. These skills will make your games easier and more enjoyable, even when playing with random players.

When looking at the Flex Queue rank distribution, it’s clear that the majority of players participating are ranked in Silver. This could be because in Flex Queue, players often form teams with friends whose ranks may differ significantly. This can result in lower elo players facing higher elo opponents, which can impact their MMR.

It’s important to note that both Solo/Duo and Flex queues have different MMR scores. Your performance in each queue affects your matchmaking rating score and is independent of the other queue. This means you shouldn’t worry too much about your matchmaking rating score, as it is specific to each queue.

Previously, players could only team up with friends who were a few ranks or divisions apart. However, after the 10.15 update, players can now team up with friends from lower ranks without restrictions. The flex queue now ensures balanced matchups by considering the team composition of both sides.

In conclusion, the majority of players in the Flex queue may be ranked in Silver, but that doesn’t affect matchmaking. The system aims to create balanced games by averaging the MMR and elo of the whole team. This allows players to enjoy playing with their friends regardless of their rank. Stay tuned for more League of Legends news and updates.