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Rammus Facilitates Kayn’s Pursuit to Eliminate Ashe in League

ADC Players Enjoy Durability Changes in League of Legends

League of Legends has introduced recent durability changes that have been well-received by ADC players. These changes have allowed ADCs to withstand more damage before being forced to recall to the fountain. The increase in durability has given ADCs a stronger presence in the game, but it also means trouble for their enemies.

Rammus Facilitates Kayn's Pursuit to Eliminate Ashe in League

An Unexpected Encounter for an Ashe Player

An Ashe player recently found themselves in a precarious situation in a game. In a clip shared on Reddit, the opposing Kayn quickly caught up to the Ashe player who was trying to make a quick escape after the enemy team secured the Baron. The play was likened to “Taxi Driver Rammus” as Kayn used his ultimate to hitch a ride on Ashe’s ally Rammus, heading directly towards Ashe.

Rammus Facilitates Kayn's Pursuit to Eliminate Ashe in League

Rather than slowing down, Rammus accelerated towards Ashe, who was already low on health. Kayn then emerged from Rammus and swiftly eliminated Ashe while the rest of his team dealt with the rescuers.

The enemy team, empowered by the Baron, had four players with nearly full health, pushing Ashe and her ally Jax back to their base. In an ironic twist, Rammus was the only member of Ashe’s team who managed to escape unscathed, without any objections from his allies.

Forgetting the Enemy Champions

With the growing number of champions in League, it can sometimes be challenging to remember every champion’s abilities. It is unclear whether the Rammus player in this scenario forgot about Kayn’s abilities or intentionally made this play, but either way, it did not benefit the team.

The high kill count suggests that this may have been a custom game. Nevertheless, this unexpected encounter will surely be etched in the memory of the Ashe player.

ADC players, durability changes, League of Legends, enemy encounter, Reddit, Taxi Driver Rammus, unexpected play, champion abilities