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PSG Talon bids farewell to mid laner Bay and jungler Juhan

PSG Talon Announces Departure of Mid Laner and Jungler

PSG Talon, the three-time PCS champions, has made changes to its roster following a disappointing performance at the 2022 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational. The team has parted ways with mid laner Park “Bay” Jun-byeong and jungler Lee “Juhan” Ju-han. Despite their strong domestic record of 16-2 during the spring season, PSG Talon struggled to replicate this success on the international stage. As a result, the team has decided to make adjustments to its core players in hopes of finding more success in future tournaments.

Challenges on the International Stage

During the Mid-Season Invitational, Bay and Juhan were among the players with the lowest KDA, recording 2.4 and 2.0 respectively, according to League stats aggregate Oracle’s Elixir. They also had the lowest damage output in their roles, along with poor early-game performance. As a team, PSG Talon only secured three wins during the rumble stage and struggled to compete against other duos in the tournament.

Rebuilding the Roster for the Summer Split

In preparation for the 2022 PCS Summer Split, PSG Talon will need to find two new players to fill the mid-jungle positions. The team is still adapting to the absence of their former star duo, Huang “Maple” Yi-Tang and Kim “River” Dong-woo, who have recently joined North American teams. Maple joined TSM, while River has become a key player for Team Dignitas.

Pursuing Past Success

PSG Talon was once known for their dominant performances, achieving a perfect 16-0 split and placing in the top four at the 2021 MSI. Although the team fell short of advancing to the knockout stage at that year’s World Championship, they continue to strive for the same level of success. Fans can watch PSG Talon in action during the upcoming 2022 Summer Split.

PSG Talon, League of Legends, Mid-Season Invitational, roster changes, PCS champions, international stage, mid-jungle positions, success, Summer Split