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Promising Roster Swaps by Gravity

Gravity Gaming’s Roster Changes Ensure Long-Term Success

Gravity Gaming has made some significant roster changes with the acquisition of Johnny “Altec” Ru and Kang “Move” Min-su. Although fans may have doubts about these changes, the team’s management is confident that these moves will lead to long-term success in the upcoming 2016 season.

Altec’s Mechanical Prowess and Consistent Performance

Altec has established himself as a North American prodigy, consistently standing out as a star performer on the struggling Winterfox team. His mechanical skills in NA solo queue and performances in the LCS have made him a standout player. While there may be doubts about replacing Cop with Altec, Gravity’s management believes that Altec has a higher skill ceiling and the potential to take over games.

Benefits of Altec’s Youth and Versatility

One of the advantages of Altec joining Gravity is his young age. At 18 years old, Altec has a longer career ahead of him compared to Cop, who is 22 and approaching his 23rd birthday. Additionally, Altec has shown versatility in adapting to different support players, even without much time to build chemistry. This flexibility will be beneficial for Gravity’s team dynamic.

Mechanical Talent and Communication Improvements with Move

Move, who replaces the retiring Saintvicious in the jungle, is known for his stellar Rek’Sai play in solo queue. Although there isn’t much known about Move, his mechanical talent and less confrontational nature make him a good addition to the team. However, there may be initial difficulties in communication and synergy, which can affect Gravity’s performance early in the season.

Overall, Gravity’s roster changes may temporarily affect their stability and team dynamic. However, with time to adapt and grow, this new roster has the potential to be a formidable force in the esports scene.

Gravity Gaming, Johnny “Altec” Ru, Kang “Move” Min-su, roster changes, long-term success, mechanical prowess, versatile, youth, communication, team dynamic