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Preview of IWCI Teams: Part 1 – BJK, Hard Random, SF5

IWCI Team Previews: Be?ikta? e-Sports Club

A little background on me, I’m a Japanese expat splitting time between the eastern US and Hokkaido for work purposes. I’ve been avidly following the wild-card scene since season 3, partially because Japan is part of it but also because I think it’s really cool to see scenes start up and develop over time. Also, I like rooting for underdogs.

Team Name: Be?ikta? e-Sports Club

Region: Turkey

Qualified By: 1st place TCL Winter Playoffs

Projected Roster:

  • Top: Thaldrin (Turkey)
  • Jungle: Theokoles (Turkey)
  • Mid: Energy (Norway)
  • ADC: Nardeus (Czech Republic)
  • Support: Dumbledoge (Turkey)


Owned by one of the most famous sports clubs in Turkey, Be?ikta? e-Sports Club (BJK) is a striking example of the growth of e-sports over the past few years. Formerly Aces High e-Sports Club, they gained notoriety for taking a game off of Dignitas at IEM Cologne despite playing with two substitutes. Filling the shoes of their ADC HolyPheonix, Czech talent Nardeus joined alongside Energy and Dumbledoge to form the new look roster that was then acquired by Be?ikta? and became BJK.

BJK dominated the TCL Winter regular season and playoffs, going undefeated when their full roster played, and sweeping both Atlas eSports Team and Dark Passage in the playoffs. BJK now turns their attention to the IWCI with high hopes of winning on home turf.


BJK’s dominance in the TCL was unparalleled. One of their key strengths is their ADC Nardeus, who consistently demonstrates outstanding play and carries the team. BJK also excels in map control, investing in vision control tools to make it harder for opponents to come back into the game. Their strong objective control allows them to outrotate their opponents and secure towers and dragons.


Their impressive dominance in the TCL may work against them if they fall behind early in a game. Additionally, their mid-laner Energy may have difficulty against opponents with strong mid and jungle play. BJK’s opponents at the IWCI may not have a stronger mid laner to pressure Energy, but Naru from Dark Passage has proved challenging for him in the past.


Coming off an impressive debut season in the TCL, BJK is one of the favorites to win the IWCI. Playing at home in Turkey will bring both excitement and pressure. Their overall strong play makes them difficult to beat, and I expect them to at least make the finals. They are my personal pick to win the entire event.

Team Name: Hard Random

Region: CIS

Qualified By: 1st place SLTV StarSeries Spring

Projected Roster:

  • Top: Smurf (Russia)
  • Jungle: Symphony (Russia)
  • Mid: Kira (Ukraine)
  • ADC: LeX (Moldova)
  • Support: Dimonko (Russia)


Hard Random made a strong run through the playoffs of the SLTV StarSeries Spring, losing only a single game in the final. Mid-laner Kira has a track record of success in the CIS scene, and the team features veterans of the CIS regional scene. Hard Random aims for a strong performance at the IWCI.


Hard Random’s success is due in large part to their mid-laner Kira, who has consistently performed well. They also showed improvement and cohesion during the playoffs. Kira’s ability to adapt and match up with opponents without losing effectiveness is a key strength for the team.


Consistency is a concern for Hard Random. They looked disjointed during the regular season and may struggle if they can’t find their groove quickly in the IWCI. Top laner Smurf may also have difficulty against tougher competition, particularly if teams target him in lane-swaps.


I have no confidence in predicting this team’s performance. They could win the whole event or lose every game. Based on a hunch, I believe they will underperform and finish 5th, narrowly missing the playoffs.

Team Name: Saigon Fantastic Five

Region: SEA

Qualified By: 1st place GPL Spring

Projected Roster:

  • Top: Auzeze (Vietnam)
  • Jungle: Jinkey (Vietnam)
  • Mid: Optimus (Vietnam)
  • ADC: MinaS (Vietnam)
  • Support: Uzi (Vietnam)


SF5 has a history of improvement and success in the SEA scene. They have made appearances in the GPL playoffs and have shown resilience and consistent improvement throughout their journey. SF5 aims to prove themselves at the IWCI.


SF5’s strength lies in their resilience, consistently performing under pressure and securing the results they need. Mid-laner Optimus and ADC MinaS are among the strongest players in SEA at their positions. Optimus is a stable laner with a deep champion pool, while MinaS farms up and takes over as the game progresses.


SF5 lacks a dominating strength and may struggle to win against teams with greater overall talent. Jungler Jinkey is solid but can fade into the background against more assertive opponents.


SF5’s synergy and consistent play will carry them out of the group stage, but they will fall short of winning the title. They will likely make it to the semi-finals.