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Predator Sion: League’s Most Fun but Elusive Gameplay

The Fun and Not-So-Effective Predator Sion Build

Remember when Nunu & Willump were updated this summer and many players thought running the Predator and AP build would be the best for big snowball damage? Now imagine that, but even worse. That’s what you get with Predator Sion. And even though it might not sound convincing right away, trust us when we say that this build is incredibly fun to play.

One of the main appeals of Predator Nunu was the risk involved. You would activate Predator and try your best to guide your snowball into a lane and hit a squishy target. If you missed, your build wouldn’t be effective until Predator was up again. But if you landed the snowball, the damage was devastating. Predator Sion takes this gamble to the extreme, but it also comes with a great payoff.

After some testing, with a full lethality build at level 18, Sion’s Predator-infused ultimate ability followed by a basic attack to trigger Duskblade deals approximately 1,800 damage. That’s enough to instantly eliminate an ADC, and even if they have some health built up, it will still come very close. However, if you miss, you not only waste Predator but also your ultimate, rendering you useless compared to Nunu. To maximize the effectiveness of this build, pair the movement-speed-boosting runes with Predator, such as Celerity, Waterwalking, and Relentless Hunter.

Is it worth the exhilarating feeling of deleting a marksman in one attack? Almost, but probably not entirely. We recommend trying out this build in a casual game with friends, rather than relying on it as the next overpowered strategy for ranked play. That distinction goes to the inting Sion build, which this is not.

But hey, League of Legends is all about having fun, right? So go ahead and give this build a try. Just try not to laugh too hard at the thought.

League of Legends, Predator Sion, fun builds, ADC deletion, ranked play, Nunu & Willump