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Postgame interview with Pawn after EDG vs. H2K clash

Interview with Pawn on IG and LGD’s Loss to European Teams

Pawn, the mid laner for IG, was interviewed after the team’s loss to H2k, a European team. When asked if he was concerned about losing, Pawn admitted they had some apprehensions but the game turned out to be easier than expected.

Preparations and Analysis

Despite making a mistake early on, Pawn and his team were able to analyze their opponent and make adjustments. They predicted a skirmish at the blue buff and called for assistance from their top laner, although they lost the skirmish due to their top laner’s late arrival.

Preparations for Success

Pawn believes that success in the game depends on how strong the players appear. He mentioned the addition of Meiko as a new support and AmazingJ as the new starting top laner for EDG. Regardless of their experience, Pawn believes they perform exceptionally well.

Is Pawn the Best Mid Laner?

When asked about Faker’s claim of being the best mid laner in the world, Pawn responded by saying that winning the World Championship would prove his own status as the best mid laner.

Confidence against SKT

Pawn feels that the pick and ban phase will be crucial when facing SKT. He believes that if SKT’s pick and ban choices remain the same, his team should be able to win.

Regarding the players Faker and Easyhoon, Pawn believes that Faker will definitely play.

China’s Recent Performance

Pawn admitted that he hasn’t been able to see China’s recent performance as he has been busy playing solo-queue.

SKT’s Strength

Pawn considers all of SKT’s players to be at their strongest currently.

Pawn, IG, LGD, European teams, H2k, preparations, analysis, success, mid laner, SKT, China