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Possible revision: “Mysterious Floating Sword on Riot’s Chinese Weibo Hints at Potential New Skin”

Shen’s Long-Awaited New Skin: Is It Finally Happening?

A recent post on Riot’s Chinese Weibo suggests that Shen might finally be getting a new skin after a wait of over four years.

Possible revision: "Mysterious Floating Sword on Riot's Chinese Weibo Hints at Potential New Skin"

The post features a photo showing a mysterious blade floating above the ground, bearing a striking resemblance to Shen’s in-game sword.

This has sparked excitement among players who have been eagerly waiting for a new addition to Shen’s skin collection. The last time Shen received a skin was back in May 2013, with the release of the Taipei Assassin skin. Other champions like Yorick, Rumble, and Viktor have also been waiting for new skins for quite some time.

Although this is all based on speculation, most signs point to Shen as the most likely recipient of the new skin. Of course, it’s also possible that the photo could be teasing a new skin for another sword-wielding champion.

If the post turns out to be true, Shen will join the list of champions finally getting the long-awaited skins they deserve. Just recently, Cassiopeia received her first new skin in over four years with the unveiling of Eternum Cassiopeia on Aug. 22.

Related keywords: Shen, new skin, champion, League of Legends, Riot, Weibo, Taipei Assassin, Yorick, Rumble, Viktor, Cassiopeia, Eternum Cassiopeia