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Possible Reasons Why League’s Patch 9.4 was Delayed to Thursday

League of Legends Patch 9.4: Release Delayed, Possible Reasons Explained

The highly anticipated League of Legends Patch 9.4 is set to arrive this week. However, Riot Games has announced a delay in its release, pushing it back to Thursday instead of the usual Wednesday patch day. According to a tweet from the company’s support team, this delay is not uncommon and has previously occurred due to Monday holidays. In this case, it may be due to President’s Day, which was celebrated in the United States this week. While Riot has not provided an explanation for the delay, this leaves room for speculation about the reasons behind it.

One possible explanation is the inclusion of several significant features in this patch. Alongside balance changes, the patch also brings new visual effects for champions like Kennen, Olaf, Riven, and Wukong. It is possible that last-minute changes or unexpected issues arose, requiring Riot to take an extra day to ensure everything is in order. However, the most exciting possibility is the recent announcement of the Kayle and Morgana reworks. In the past, Riot has surprised players by introducing new content directly into the game without going through the usual testing phase. The use of a screenshot from the Kayle and Morgana teaser video in the patch delay announcement suggests that there may be a surprise release of these reworks as well. While this is purely speculation, it adds an air of excitement to the situation.

Regardless of the reason for the delay, players can expect the patch to be available on Thursday morning. Stay tuned for the latest updates and enjoy the new features and improvements that Patch 9.4 has to offer.

League of Legends, Patch 9.4, release delay, Riot Games, features, balance changes, visual effects, Kayle rework, Morgana rework