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Popular streamer permabanned by Riot for on-air abuse of girlfriend

League of Legends Player Permanently Banned for Toxic Behavior

If you’ve ever experienced online harassment while playing a video game, you know how frustrating and discouraging it can be. One player in the popular game League of Legends recently faced the consequences for his toxic behavior.

Michael “Arxhgos” Zannis was permanently banned from the game during one of his regular streams this week. He had received multiple communications restrictions from Riot Games‘s disciplinary system. Zannis was limited to only five chat messages per game, most of which he used to spread negative comments and vitriol.

The Greek player, known for wishing “cancer” upon his opponents, can be seen here logging into two separate accounts and ultimately losing access to both. Zannis then struggled to fill the rest of his streaming time, playing other games like Assassin’s Creed and Dota 2.

Zannis’s punishment is the severest that can be given to players of Riot’s game. The same punishment was previously handed down to Nicolaj “Incarnati0n” Jensen for persistent violations of Riot’s code of conduct. Jensen, however, has the opportunity to appeal the decision, unlike Zannis.

This is due to Riot’s approach to player discipline. Under their current system, players who consistently display toxic behavior are initially given chat restrictions, followed by account bans that escalate in severity. This allows players to receive multiple warnings before a final ban is issued.

Zannis truly deserved this punishment, as he was also caught physically and verbally abusing his girlfriend during a losing game.

The ban serves as a small victory for those who want to enjoy games without harassment. It also sends a message to other trolls in the League of Legends community. However, the anonymous nature of the internet means that the legacy of players like Zannis will continue, even if it’s only through five lines of chat at a time.

Related keywords: League of Legends, toxicity, player ban