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Pobelter explores the impending downfall of League’s solo queue: ‘I often feel miserable after playing’

Eugene “Pobelter” Park Shares Frustrations with Solo Queue

Eugene “Pobelter” Park, a professional player in the popular game League of Legends, has voiced his concerns about the current state of solo queue. Pobelter, known for his time with Team Liquid and Counter Logic Gaming, regularly plays solo queue to keep up with the game’s standards and improve his skills. However, he recently expressed his frustration with the experience.

In a post on Twitter, Pobelter said, “I just feel miserable most of the time after playing solo queue. I think the worst problems are the toxic players and blatant griefing/wintrading. So many players give up on the game and start flaming/feeding after 3 minutes.”

Pobelter also mentioned that betting sites, which allow players to bet for or against specific streamers, have made the situation in solo queue worse. These betting sites have negatively impacted the overall experience.

While Riot Games has made some efforts to address the issues in solo queue, Pobelter believes that the game may never return to its former glory. He expressed his disappointment, saying, “Where is any semblance of moderation or attempt to improve things? I think I’m slowly accepting that solo queue as I once knew it is just dead and gone. Everyone is frustrated and on edge all the time.”